
Monday, November 23, 2009

Osman Bey'in Vasiyeti

Oh son!
Now that you are the ruler,
What behooves us is fury; and you, serenity,
Sullenness behooves us; and consolation behooves you.
Accusation behooves us; and tolerance behooves you.
Debility behooves us; and endurance behooves you.
Disagreement behooves us; and justice behooves you
Mischief behooves us; and forgiveness behooves you

Oh Son,
Learn how to be patient,
Flowers would not blossom before the right time
Remember also that the survival of the state hinges on that of the people
Oh Son,
Your duty is heavy and your strength depends on the people,
May Allah be your helper!
You are strong, and steadfast, wise and melliflous,
However, when you fail to employ these idiosyncracies in the right place and how use them,
You would be drifting along the morning wind,
Your rage and ego would then come together to undermine your wisdom.
Remember to conquer your ego
The world is not as sweet as you might be assuming,
All those that have not been conquered, seen will shine forth if only you are virtuous and righteous!
Oh Son,
Show respect to your Mother and Father,
Bounty comes with the elderly,
If you lose your faith,
You would run dry while green,
Be frank, and do not feel instulted by what people say,
Ignore what you see, forget what you know!
Do not go frequenly to places where you are upheld,

Oh son,
Have pity on three kinds of  people; the scholar in the midst of the ignoramus; those who have become improvished while wealthy; and those who fall from favor while holding a hind position.
Oh son,
Keep in mind also that those who keep a position high above will not feel as secure as those below, and when you are right, do not fear fighting!


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